RE Eagles lyric to "Take It Easy" <<>> Right you are, my bad. Funny you should say that about the "load loosening" lyric, my buddy and I used to think the same thing when the song came out. Our prepubescent minds used that line as a touchstone for an entirely different set of lyrics for the song. Only 11 year old boys would make up complete song lyrics about those types of bodily functions... Well, maybe 11 year old boys and Weird Al... Dave (thinking it would be entirely too embarrassing to mention the titles of the countless Eagles, Beach Boys and Beatles lyrics we "re-wrote" as wee lads... And also thinking it's kind of em-bare-ass-ing to admit that I actually remember a lot of them at this age...!) PS - on a related topic, and now that whatever little credibility I had is entirely shot - I must say that I think the first three Eagles albums are excellent. They've been favorites of mine for as long as I've listened to music, and upon a recent listen, I still come to the same conclusion. This string of elpees was before Hotel California, when they went from "country rock" to "rock". Or should I say, from "highly melodic country rock with great harmonies" to "boring middle of the road AOR rock". 'Course, I know a lot of you despise the Eagles, but to each his own... (I know, I skipped mention of their fourth LP featuring "One of These Nights" - never much liked this album either - to me it doesn't fit in either of my pre- or post-HC categories.)