I am not sure if they mention Tucson but I know they mention Winslow,Arizona (home of the meteor crater) for sure. This is the song that talks about "trying to loosen my load"...correct? That always sounded like someone is constipated in that song to me . -r > Stacy - > > I think Will Kimbrough does a song mentions Texas on his great album "This" > - or was that New Mexico? > > The Eagles name-drop Tuscon Arizona in "Take It Easy". > > Adam Marsland has a song called "Portland" - very good tune. > > TMBG does a really good song called "New York City". > > Are these places you've lived? You should open the comp with "In My Life". > > (By the way, I think the only place that has more songs written about it > than NYC has got to be California...) > > > <<< > I like making mixes, and I want to make a mix about places. > Particularily: > Alaska (Fairbanks, in particular, but anywhere) > Portland, OR (or Washington State, or the pacific NW in general) > Boise, ID (or Idaho in general) > Tucson, AZ (or Arizona/desert in general) > Abilene, TX (Texas or west TX ok) > New York City (metro area ok) >>>> >