> And also the 2 late-70's Detective lp's. Anyone care to comment of > those? I haven't heard that 1st one in 20+ years. I think the first one really holds up....listened to it a few times in the last year and on my Ipod(we carry 'em both, too). 5 of the 9 songs, if I recall t he number correctly, are very good to excellent mid/late 70's post-Bad Company/bluesy Led Zep rock....."Detective Man" is a rocker I've never tied of over the years. Michael Des Barres(ex-Silverhead and hubby of groupie Pamela) has a perfect voice for the material. The band were excellent sort of rock 'n roll journeymen professionals - great players but a bit lacking in that special 'character' that makes bands in this genre light up for posterity. As a budget reissues go, this album for fans of 70's hard rock w/ a bluesy base will find this album holds up pretty well and for newbies, a pretty darn good find. The second album? Eh. (the live at Atlantic Studios quasi-boot is pretty good, if you can find it) Ta, Bruce @ Not Lame