Yes, we have one of those stupid stations here in Springfield (IL) too...and this one is called "Abe." Go figure. (For the un-enlightened, Springfield is famous or infamous for being the home of Abraham Lincoln, or at least the site of several Lincoln landmarks including the tomb and the new Lincoln Museum [or as I call it, the local White Elephant].) I've given up on radio for the most part, with the exception of people lie our own Auditeers Michael McCartney, Alan Haber, and of course Carl Cafarelli...I know there are others, but names are eluding me at the moment. Thank goodness that people like these are still giving independent music a place to live on traditional radio - I wish there were more like them...maybe we should get behind that stem-cell research so they can be cloned?! (Better than cloning the crappy music that clogs the airwaves.) Brioohs