Morning, everyone. As some of you may know, I'm a newspaper reporter by day for the Morning Call of Allentown, Pa. I've been tasked with writing tomorrow's cover story on the recently announced Live8 concert and I wanted to turn to the most musically knowledgable (and opinionated!) folks I know for help. To wit, I have three questions: 1. Where were you when the original concert went down? What are your most pronounced memories of the day? Stand-outs? Flop performances? Anything at all will do. 2. Age now/age then. Current location/occupation/family situation 3. Do you think the new iteration can ever live up to the legacy of the first show? Should it? Reply off-list to by 5 p.m. EDT if'n you're interested. Best, and thanks in advance for the help. John. ___________________________ John L. Micek State Government Reporter The Morning Call Harrisburg, Pa.