My husband and I bought tickets to the Fountains of Wayne show today in Central Park. Let me tell you, the show was SO MUCH FUN. So much. So, so, so much. I was jumping up and down and dancing and singing along to every song. I got to the park early and as I passed by the venue I turned off my Zen because I could hear the sweet sweet sounds of Fountains of Wayne doing their sound check! I hung out and listened to them and looked for the Will Call, which I couldn't find, so I settled on a large granite outcropping to listen (couldn't really see though). I called Rey and told him I'd just meet him and our friend at the venue. I also heard Ben Kweller soundcheck as well. Well, finally Rey and our friend came around and we went inside the venue. Within a few minutes, it started raining. Ben Kweller hit the stage and apparently a ton of 16 year old girls know something we don't know because they were nutso for him. I think he does a good job and everything, but these girls were going nuts. It was so bizzare. I felt bad because I really wanted to enjoy his set, but I just didn't. I'm not familiar with his songs (I just know one pretty well, and then I've heard a handful of others just once), so that was hard, plus it was rainy and wet and cold. I dunno. I think I need more hooks or something. His songs seemed to ramble a lot, and it was just him and a guitar (sometimes keyboard), and I've found I really enjoy the bass and piano to give it a fuller sound. The bass helps to anchor the melody and the drums keep it all on track. Anyway, so I'm sad to say, I was disappointed with his set. I'm not giving up on him though. I'll add his albums to my Zen one of these days to see if I really could like it. After his set, we were able to get up close to the stage (reallllly close), and it stopped raining. It was awesome. ANYWAY, FOW came on, and it was just SO MUCH FUN. I had so much fun, I can't begin to tell you. They played (in no particular order, and I know I'm missing some) Survival Car (last song befor the encore) Red Dragon Tattoo Stacy's Mom Radiation Vibe (White Wedding and Twighlight Zone were slipped into the song) Sink to the Bottom Denise (last song) Leave the Biker No Better Place (yay!) Maureen (new song, they said they'd never played it live before, and it hadn't been released yet. I heard it at the sound check, and Rey knew the words.) Mexican Wine Must be Summer (opened) Sick Day ...soo, lots of good stuff. I was singing, I was dancing, I was jumping up and down in pure joy. Pure joy!! The crowd was great. Really mixed. There were LOTS of kids, kids that knew all the words, which really made me happy. All the parents seemed to know the words too! And then there were lots of people my age, and even people older (to rehash a certain thread). I just love a mixed crowd like that. And everyone was singing and dancing and jumping up and down. It was so much fun! At the end of the show, Adam said "we are here for a very controversial issue. Homeless Children. Some people are aginast homeless children, but we are for the homeless children!" Sadly, all good things must come to an end... and the show was a good thing. So anyway, that was my day. Once again, an amazing day to be living in New York City! Do yourself a favor and if you are near one of their limited summer tourdates, go see them. Such a great show. Stacy