Another fantastic night in Liverpool! I didn't post after night#1 as I was simply exhausted. There is so much great music around and the city is just crazy after Liverpool won the soccer championship Thursday that rhings are borderline out of control. What a blast. Night #1 faves were a great new band out of Switzerland (of all places) called "Marvin". "Flare" from Norway (featuring Chris Star from Popium) were outstanding. Other great acts tonight included Stonecake, The Lovethugs, and The Speakers. Night#2 got a bit more complicated as 3 clubs were involved. So, for what I could take in, I really dug Lincoln Smith vs the Black Prince, The Good, The Confusion, Kelly's Heels, and the beautiful harmonies of The Rhinos. 4 more nights to go! Did I tell you I lve Liverpool? Mark H