> From: GaryPig@aol.com > Subject: "Bum" Notes?? Be Damned! > Just witnessed an utterly magical musical evening > in a tabernacle atop scenic Mount Tabor, NJ > (I kid you not): > > a Songwriters In The Round featuring > Willie Nile, Pat DiNizio, and the one and only Mark Johnson. I ran into Mark Johnson recently at an IPO presents. He told me about this show. How cool! Mark gave me a copy of his new cd. It's totally yummy!!! Fans of Bobby Fuller Four will love this one. Mark Johnson and the Wild Alligators will easily be one of my favs this year! Haven't really heard too much of anything new, too busy trying to get thru all the SOTT cd's, some of which are amazing. I did order the new Spongetones cd. That should be in my mailbox in anyday now. Cathy