Everytime I listen to "Laugh Laugh" by the Beau Brummels I immediately cringe waiting for that blown harmonica note in the solo. I still cannot believe they left it that way. John and Paul singing different words in one or two of their songs still baffles me a bit too. Perry np: The Shmenges - Cabbage Rolls & Coffee > Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 09:12:56 -0400 > From: "Miguel Motta" > To: > Subject: Bum notes > Message-ID: <000801c55d3d$a4024e90$6fa5c90a@2901145> > > This could end up being the silliest of all threads I've proposed... but > here goes anyway... This is especially for musicians and music lovers with > "golden ears"... > > ...Ever picked up on a bum note (or slip in the performance) on a > recording and everytime you hear that record you wait for the moment that > the mistake happens?... > > ...Case in point for me... At the very end of The Monkees' "Daydream > Believer" Chip Douglass (bass player on that record) hits one bum note... > It occurs when Davy sings the phrase "Cheer up sleepy Jean...." but he > recovers nicely... I guess one bum note didn't merit re-recording the > phrase for later edit... I remember driving my friends crazy as I pulled > the record player needle back time and time again to that part and ask > them..."Did you hear that?... There it is! The bum note!"... They'd stare > at me as if I were crazy... > > Another related one is the guitar solo in BTO's "Taking Care of Business" > ... to my ears, to the day of the recording, Bachman should've taken the > time to tune his guitar better as the solo sounds a bit out-of-tune... > small qualm... but can't avoid hearing that to this day... LOL... I > remember a musician once was quoted as saying... "I like to leave my > mistakes on the recordings 'cuz they're like scars on fine leather"... > > Finally one interesting one is Peter Noone's vocal flub on "Leaning on a > Lampost"... Listen closely and you'll hear him improvise some gibberish at > a certain point of the song... I'm amazed he didn't burst out into > laughter and cause an outtake... > > Like I said... silly but perhaps interesting to some... > > Cheers, > > Miguel