Hey All- Thanks again for more kind words re: "The Million Dollar Milkshake" (especially you Bob, LOL, that was my favorite!). As for a new album, I don't know, might still be a ways off. I'm fairly busy these days producing for other folks (gotta pay the bills...see www.thequeensenglish.net) and with a new baby in the picture at home my time is limited. I do have a bunch of half finished songs slated for the record so at least the ideas are there, I just have to steal the time. Very cool to know that folks are interested though, thank you! Hopefully I can step up the pace before anyone interested totally forgets me. Here's to the Million Dollar Hand Job in 2006! :) -Mark www.popjob.com www.jdmanagement.com > Mark, It is a wonderful album.And we need more. More on the way? > Y'know...in my own perfect little world, I could deal with alternate months of new releases by Mark and the Rubinoos. Of course, I dunno if Mark and Tommy could write that much that often.... > Mark, I know I will. I thought it was great. And when I put a track on my best-of-the-year CD comp for my friends (it was 2003, no?), a couple of them went and bought it. >