Yo! New York City! It's killin' me that I can't make it out (and up from lower Delaware) to support my friend Cliff and his band of Forward Thinkers tomorrow night. I tried to schmooze a spot in one of the two vehicles those guys and gals are driving into the City, but space is at a premium with gear and all. I think the real truth is that Beth L. just wants *two* seats so she can stretch out and sleep all the way home . Anyway, congrats to Anna and Cliff on the Billboard mention and I'd like to urge as many of you as possible to please head out and support my friend on what could be a very important evening for the young (cough cough) popster. New management, showcase, full band show, cool venue, etc. Spidey-sense is tingling that something good is about to happen ... help make it so! Thanks folks! Jeff T. De.