Me; There also is that castle that was built in the early 1900's. I'm sure it's >considered a bit of a tourist trap but I thought it was pretty cool and the >top floor is a great view of the city. If you were bringing the kids again, >I'd say do it for sure. Jamie said.. Casa Loma is a decent 1/2 day excursion for those that have never seen a castle before. If you have seen real (i.e. British or Mid-Eastern) castles, it is indeed a tourist trap (complete with a delicatessan in the basement). Darn, I was hoping that one slipped under the radar. :) Very true! It had occurred to me to late and only after I hit the send button, the absurdity of recommending Bob check out a 20th century castle. A bit like telling a New Yorker to "If you get to Vegas, be sure to see the Statue of Liberty!". :) Best, Steve D NP: Doleful Lions "Shaded Lodge and Mausoleum"