>At Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 20:38:49 Miguel wrote: > > Totally non-musical related BUT what a mind-boggler! > >Try it... Follow the instructions carefully... on the last page where >you're asked to type in your >reply just do so as it doesn't cursor... >you'll be amazed (and if someone can come back with a >logical >solution....) > >http://digicc.com/fido/ > >I did it twice with two separate sets of numbers and the answer was wrong >both times. > > >Jaimie Vernon, > > Try again Jaimie. Transposing digits in a number always leaves a difference which is divisible by 9, for example: 711- 117 = 594 594=66*9 Remove one of the digits from your difference of 594, say the 4, and you're left with 5 and 9. 5+9=14 which is 4 less than the next number evenly divisible by 9, that is 18. The answer is 4. High school was the best 11 years of my life. -