--- Mark Eichelberger wrote: > Bill wrote: > > So...how's that new Ryan Adams record? I was very disappionted with his last couple. Hated Rock and Roll. But I had a chance to hear the new one and really liked it enough to buy it. I was worried at him releasing 2 discs, but the majority of the songs are truly beautiful. > On a somewhat related note, as they are label mates, has anyone heard the > new Lucinda Williams double live album? I am a huge Lucinda fan and have enjoyed her last couple albums. The new live album is very very good............but....that being said I didn't hear anything that great that would make someone buy it if they already had the studio albums. I wish they had released the Elvis Costello and Lucinda CROSSROADS show instead. michael vg __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com