I got to see Garbage this past Monday Night at the Newport here in Columbus. I only went beause an older friend of mine, never gets to go to concerts much anymore(because his friends his own age, won't go). He asked me if I would go, I like Garbage, but would not say I'm a huge fan by any means. I don't even own any of their CD's. But he's a good friend and I went for him. Great show, they sounded awesome!! The lighting backdrop and plasma screens projecting images on stage was very cool. My only complaint was that there was no backing vocals (Being a Power Popster, I'm all about backing vocals!!) and it was hard for me to determine what we were hearing drumwise was Butch Vig or drum tracks. I mean there was a little of both,but me, I like more live drum sounds. They even did a cover of "I Fall To Pieces", which Shirley said it was only the 2nd time they've done it and excuse her for using a lyric sheet. My Buddy kept saying "Hey we're the 2 old farts in here!!" He's only 48 and I'm about 10 years younger. I said keep it down and then pointed to other "Old Guys In The Room!!" The local music rag gave the show a good review and compared them to Cheap Trick. Meaning you won't hear them on the radio much anymore, but they put on a great live show and the place was packed. Not sold out but close. My friend's an old audio guy and we noticed they brought their own board & PA (Which my buddy Mark, said that figures with 3 producers in the band) and I have to say I've seen alot of shows at the Newport and they sounded the best. No bass rumble but good clean sound. Shirley's got a great voice & stage presence. Check them out, it's worth it. Chuck Oney The Vague www.thevague.com n/p "Thirteen"-Garbage PS Old to be back to the old glory days of KISS when I was Thirteen & the young Kid at the show and pointed to all the Old Guys and wondering "What's those Old Farts doing here?" Rocking out, no less!!!