Gary said.. Don't get me wrong -- I do remember when I was younger and there'd be some old geezer 40 year old grooving along how out of place it looked. But now that I'm hitting that landmark myself in a few months, I can't see it ever bothering me enough to keep me away from a show. Now my feet, that's another story . . . I distinctly remember going to shows in my early 20's with my college friends. I remember us seeing this "older guy" grooooooving to the music. My friend Todd said "Man, if I'm still going to shows when I'm THIRTY, somebody shoot me!" I'll admit, we all laughed and agreed with him. Now that I'm 45, if that guy had been sealed in a time capsule and was still groooooving to the music, I'd be looking at him thinking he was so youthful. So it goes… Someone once told me that "old" is 15 years older then your current age. Seems to have some truth, to me. But, on the other hand, I think the older one gets the more you are connected to all ages in a way. Steve (it's my back that causes me in trouble at shows) D.