Well, usually I'm the oldest one at most any gig, bar your yuppie fests. Though when I went to see Roy Loney a couple of weeks ago, the boy was well my senior. I've gone out and had girls flirting with me, until I point out the age difference. And I'm way older than you... I started going to gigs in '64. RS Peter Soboroff wrote: > Toby Thomas made mention of being the oldest guy around at a Weezer show. > > I'm 42, and this kind of thing now happens to me all the f**king time. At so many of the pop shows I attend, I look around, and would be hard pressed to find anyone older...or at least with as much grey in their hair. It's kind of depressing. > > Peter > > > --------------------------------- > Discover Yahoo! > Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news & more. Check it out! -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records www.CareerRecords.com The Donovan's Brain Web Site www.Donovans-Brain.com