Personally I love the Stones, and I'm actually sort of cool to the classic 60s stuff and especially love everything from say Sticky Fingers on. I don't care if other people don't like it. If you don't, don't listen to it. I mean, this is a list where you can extol the virtues of the Archies, ferchrissakes, and not get chastized. I love the Woody/Keef vibe, think "Let Me Go" is a quintessentially great track, totally love stuff like "Star Star," "All the Way Down," "Hang Fire," and "Its Only Rock'n'Roll." I have a "Woody and Keef" play list on my iPod with Stones, solo, Faces, and Rod Stewart tracks, and it has over 300 songs in it. I play that a lot. When I'm not podding it, I usually go to a live Stones show from '78 or later; I probably have over 20 live SBD shows, and I love the Stones live. Again, Woody and Keef. Classic stuff. If you ever thrilled to Chuck Berry rock'n'roll guitar, I don't see how you can deny these guys. And of course the live CDs are better in a way than actually being there, because for a while now they've sounded way better than they look. The heroin chic look just doesn't work on a 60 year old guy. My buddy Lane Steinberg thinks I'm nuts for preferring the later Stones, but he says that the classic mid-60s stuff-- Between the Buttons, etc.-- is quintessentially great power pop. And I've come to trust his judgement on that stuff. After all, it is subjective, it is a question of judgement and taste. I know what I like, and am less sure what is "good." And I know its only rock'n'roll, but hang me, I like it.