I was going to stay out of the Stones thread (altho' I think I accidentally triggered it by starting off posting their tour dates...).... BUT... "the luckiest..." thread is too tempting: McCartney... (Beatles for that matter) "Luckiest Liverpudlians" Tom Jones ... Luckiest guy from Wales Beach Boys (read: Brian Wilson) ... Luckiest Californian(s) Bruce Springsteen... Luckiest New Jerseyian (does he hail from there...?) Don Ho... Luckiest Hawaiian ...and the list goes on and on... LOL... plu-eeze... So everybody is lucky I guess... ummm... could there just be perhaps... a..........a...........hint of talent for particular tastes across the spectrum?.... Oh yeah... The Guess Who... Luckiest Canadians.... Please read this note in the same vein as the liner notes for "The Masked Marauders" album... Cheers, Miguel