<<>> Sorry I missed it. I was in the Chicago vicinity for the weekend, but my ride was sick on Friday so I went Saturday instead. Not that Saturday was THAT bad -- there were some highlights, such as the Fuglees ending their set with "Get The F@#k Off The Stage, You Sons Of Bitches" while members of the audience pelted them with marshmallows; or the all-out non-stop 3-guitar/drums neo-British invasion/Romantics rave-up of Muck and the Mires (lousy name, great female drummer); or the manic vibe and hip grinding appeal of the Goldstars, complete with go go dancers front stage... But all in all I had hoped for a special ChIPO night, like the Not Lame night at the Abbey 2 years ago -- and Saturday night was NOT it, IMO. Sounds like Friday was. Drat! Dave