My first reaction was "what a rip-off". Part of that reaction comes from the fact that he's coming to Milwaukee and I can't bring myself to shell out that kind of money. Part of it is that IF I was going to shell out that kind of money, I'd want to be there with a group of friends to make it more I have to find 2-3 or more people willing to shell out. Part of it is that he's a nostalgia act...I saw him on "Flowers In The Dirt" and it was all nostalgia then - The Wings stuff rocked...The Beatles songs sounded like a cover band (maybe because I've heard cover bands do them so much or maybe b/c it was a cover band backing up the original lead singer)...the solo stuff is good when it's good. If "supply & demand" is the issue (which I suspect it is) or even if it's the implied "costs of touring" (which I think some people here are putting too hefty a price tag on), why not play a week's worth of shows in any given city? The shows WILL sell out & the crew and other members of the tour will be able to work a little less with the set-up/tear-down/drive/set-up/tear-down/drive/set-up/tear-down/drive, the sound would be dialed into perfection by the 2nd or 3rd night and presumably they could charge less for the tickets. That said, I think most of the animosity here about ticket prices is from people who would like to go, but can't justify the cost (or can't get tickets because of brokers & pre-sale scooping them all up). My de-valued American two-cents. Dan ****************************CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT*********************** E-MAIL AND/OR ITS ATTACHMENT(S) IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT MAY BE CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY AND PRIVILEGED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THIS E-MAIL, OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING IT TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, DISSEMINATION OR COPYING OF THE CONTENT OF THIS E-MAIL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE SENDER AND DELETE THIS E-MAIL FROM YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM.