AT Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 00:19:35 Mike Nicholson wrote: >With a average ticket price of $125 (some at $175, some at $85 and others >priced in between) a sellout of a 20,000 seat arena will net Paul >$2,500,000 per show. Lots of percentages off the top, etc, but he still >walks away with scads of dosh after each show. > >With only 10 shows are on this tour it's a $25 million dollar venture. >Astounding piles of cash. Ooh, and let's not forget merch. Lots of $45 >t-shirts to be had! This math is conservative. What no one's taking into account, which is why I'm loathe to hand Mr. McCartney (or better still, the middle men) my money, is that these tours are underwritten by McCartney's sponsors. He's making millions before a single ticket goes on sale, venue is announced, or tour is declared. American Express and anyone else waving a banner in front of the stage, on the stage or backstage has already paid McCartney's costs -- because no one in this musical climate would risk a loss of such a large-scale operation so it is underwritten. The money from ticket sales is used for overhead (venue rental, service charges, lights, crew, security, transportation, catering, etc.)....and whatever's left goes into Macca's pockets as well meaning he gets to double dip on every performance. And who knows how much his label's ponying up to the table these days (maybe none, maybe plenty). Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia