With a average ticket price of $125 (some at $175, some at $85 and others priced in between) a sellout of a 20,000 seat arena will net Paul $2,500,000 per show. Lots of percentages off the top, etc, but he still walks away with scads of dosh after each show. With only 10 shows are on this tour it's a $25 million dollar venture. Astounding piles of cash. Ooh, and let's not forget merch. Lots of $45 t-shirts to be had! My status as Rock Curmudgen compels me to share my theory that a concert should cost about 20% more than the cost of the artist's latest record. I paid $3.99 for Kiss' Destroyer in 1976 and a couple months later I paid $5.50 to see them live. Led Zeppelin's Presence cost me $5.99 and I saw them for $8.00. At my job at Revco in 1978 where I made $2.85 an hour, I only had to work a couple hours to afford a ticket to see ELO or Foghat or some such. It's dang hard for me to earn $175 in two hours even now. This is the new paradigm... nostalgia shows for doctors and lawyers, gold circle seats, only the priveleged can attend. Try this: For about what you would pay for two people to see Macca in an Enormodome, including parking, a couple beers, Ticketbastard fees, etc., you could get someone like say, Richard X. Heyman, to play in your living room. Mick -- __________________________________ http://www.sparklefest.com T-shirts, programs, CD's all on sale!