Well, The exact total was actually just shy of 340, and that included 2 tickets. I stupidly just bought them without looking at the price (not wanting my 2 minutes to be up and loose the tickets, I just did it without thinking). I knew we'd manage it somehow, I'm not too worried. I have a birthday coming up, so if I have to, we'll forgo the nice birthday dinner and presents and use that money saved plus all my birthday money, and that will cover most of it. The next most expensive concert I ever went to was Simon and Garfunkle and I think those tickets were just over 100 dollars each, but I didn't regret that for a second and doubt I ever will. I know that if those tickets had cost 200 dollars each I wouldn't have regretted it either. It was an amazing experience, and from what I hear, Paul McCartney is also an amazing experience, something I'll never forget in my life. I probably won't get to see Simon and Garfunkle again and who knows if I'll be in another position to see Paul McCartney (both in terms of location near a tour date and the money that it costs!). You also have to keep in mind that not a lot of acts stopped in AZ... even Phoenix was skipped often enough that makes me feel like I need to grab EVERY OPPORTUNITY I have. So maybe I am going a little overboard right now. I'm making up for lost time. :) I know I won't be living in NYC for the rest of my life, so I'm seriously living every moment to the fullest. Did I cringe when I got the confirmation email and saw the price? Absafreakinlutely. Did I emit a little squeal of glee when I looked at the MSG website and saw how awesome our seats were? definately. I wish the prices weren't so expensive, but people are obviously willing to pay the high price (as I am proof) so we had to make a choice. My choice was to go for the best seats available and I'll deal with any financial consequences of that choice if they should arise. Don't worry, I'll still go to plenty of bar and pub shows. Those are always my favorite anyway. :) I'll find different ways to save money if we have to! Stacy On 5/2/05, John L. Micek wrote: > But when I see people plunking down $300-$400 for two tickets, it makes > me hopping mad that they're now so damned expensive. > I guess I'm at the point now where I'd rather see my friends sweating > their guts out in some pub or small theatre somewhere. It's just > that much more an authentic experience.