Miguel: Don't misunderstand me, I'm terribly happy for the folks who are going. I hope they have a lovely time. I just think it's utterly insane that we now have to pay such godawful prices to see our favorite artists. It speaks to everything that's wrong with the way concerts are promoted and staged these days. And I'm sorry if I was too harsh for some people's tastes. But when I saw $350 and realized that it would pay for two weeks' worth of daycare for my daughter, it made me see red. You'd think they'd be more sensitive to the economics of the fans, that's all. Again, my apologies if I was a little on the harsh side. john On May 2, 2005, at 8:40 PM, Miguel Motta wrote: > I think it's humorous that some of us decide to share our joy of being > able > to see a living legend like Paul McCartney live (for who-knows if the > last > time) and then some come in to shoot it down in such an almost hateful > manner... > > You think he's charging too much?... Easy... don't buy the ticket > You can find better ways to spend your hard earned $?... Easy... just > do so > You think the show & artist are overrated?... In Your Humble Opinion of > course... > > Bottom line... no one is putting a gun to anyone's head to pay for ANY > rock > artist's show... Everyone has their favorites, be it a local bar-band > to Joe > Jackson to The Rolling Stones or what-have-you... If someone wishes to > shell $500 to see Mick Jagger roll out in a wheelchair 20 years from > now, > that's their perrogative... but please don't put down what, for some > of us, > is once again a dream-come-true to see one of our legends live and in > concert (even if he uses the same script at each show... who really > gives a > care?)... Let others enjoy what they wish to and you'll live longer in > the > process ;-) > > Cheers, > > Miguel >