> I'm trying to think of ANYONE I would get $350 worth of > >pleasure out of seeing live. Nosebleed seats at a nostalgia >show that's choreographed right down to that dorky "forgetting >the words" thing > that he did at every single show on the last tour...no, I've got > better use for that money. For example, my wife and I could see 10 different club gigs, and still have beer money and carfare home! > > Here's the way I think of it now: It's two weeks of daycare for my as yet-unborn daughter. The only way Sir Paul is gonna get a chunk of change that big is if he comes to freaking babysit so my wife and I can go out. I hate to harp on this, but it's so damned offensive to have to pay that much. Christ, like he NEEDS the damned money ... jlm. >