But you know what they say, a million monkeys with a million R. Stevie Moore songs couldn't put together a perfect compilation. Y'know, I finally picked up the reissue of Phonography that Stewart put out on his Flamingo label and it's a trip. I can't say I love it to death, but the guy can write one helluva tune, he's weird in a good way, and the low-fi recording makes it actually sound less dated then many records of its era. I would think that the best way to get into Moore would be a well-selected comp, and one single disc can't come close to holding all of Moore's gems. Mike Bennett --- Mitch Friedman wrote: > Stewart, > > I am honored that you feel that way. Those were just > my favorite > RSM tracks of all time. But you shouldn't really > have too much > trouble with the sequel. There have got to be a few > hundred thousand > songs to choose from. ;-) > > Mitch > > > Message: 10 > > Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 20:04:28 -0400 > > From: "Stewart Mason" > > Subject: Re: Mitch Friedman's Purple Burt > > > > Let it also be known that Mitch compiled HOBBIES > GALORE, the best > > single-disc R. Stevie Moore compilation of all > time, one so good that > > although Stevie has asked me to come up with its > seqeul, I've been too > > daunted by the task to manage it yet. > > > > S > > Chicago Pop Show Report on Yahoo Groups: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/chicagopopshowreport/?yguid=162827291 Music reviews: http://www.fufkin.com My Space blog: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog&Mytoken=20050501203609