I have had the pleasure of seeing Jim Boggia a couple of times and meeting him; the first, thanks to David Bash and IPO. I worked Merch at a 2002 NYC IPO show, and Boggia was the first act, so there were only a couple of us in the place because the doors hadn't opened yet. I found him to be friendly, witty, funny, and charming; when I told him I loved the title of the album (Fidelity is the Enemy), he proceeded to show me all the little touches-- the apple art, the "Scrapple records" label; he said "I threw in every cheap trick in the book." I said, "I assume that's capital C, capital T;" and of course he agreed. He just seemed so genuine; I wanted to invite him over to listen to records. I ended up selling an unheard-of 18 copies of the CD (he signed mine, "Thanks for selling me.") I've been a major fan ever since. His sound check that day-- it was shortly after George Harrison had died-- was "Long, Long, Long." I too have seen his exquisite take on "She's Leaving Home," when I saw him open for Jill Sobule. It is to die for. We even played together that show; on Jill's "Cinnamon Park," I play the invisible trumpet (don't ask), and that night Jim played the chords to "Saturday in the Park" on piano, around which the Jill song is built. He has some CD-R eps available on his website that were originally giveaways at shows; on one he covers McCartney's "I'm Carrying" and Tom Petty's "Walls," among others. (Talk about serendipity; one evening I was playing is CDs at the same time I was trying to work out "Im Carrying" on guitar, and then suddenly his version came on.) Total demo stuff; him, guitar, tape recorder. But really hushed, intimate, sweet stuff. I've already ordered his next album; it iiis due out soon, and he is one of my few must-buy artists. ----- Original Message ----- From: J&J Giddings Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:03 am Subject: Jim Boggia and Michael Penn last nite. > Here's a little story about perserverance: > > A few years ago I heard Jim Boggia's music at CDBaby.com and > immediatley purchased 3 copies, (one for myself and the others for > Christmas gifts). My brother was a recipient of one of them and > he too became enamoured with Jim's voice and songs. My brother, > Dean, lives in Mass.- which is alot closer to where Jim normally > would play:Pennsylvania. I figured Dean would get to see him long > before I, but he was never able. Dean even emailed him a number > of times to find out how close he'd be to Springfield, but it was > always too far away. > Last month I'd read on Jim's site that he was coming to Atlanta. > I was very excited. I called Dean and told him I was going to see > Jim and that I'd get him something from the show. Well, I looked > on the site for the club and they didn't have any mention of Jim > playing. I then emailed Jim to clarify. He amazingly replied > only an hour later and brought to my attention(to which I'd not > been paying) that it was April 26th, not March 26th that he was to > play Atlanta...and that he was opening for Michael Penn. Bonus! > Now, I really like Michael, but I would've been just as happy to > see Jim with some local acoustic human. > Needless to say, I was pumped to see him on the 26th of April: > which, of course, was last night. > > I'd read in the paper that he was coming as the actual date > approached, but heard no mention of it on the radio, nor any > special info in the local music/arts rag. Everything I'd read > said "doors open at 7:30 and the show starts at 8:30." I tried to > get people to go, but everyone was busy or strapped cash-wise. > So, alone I went to the Red Light Cafe. > > I arrived at 7:40 only to find that they were sold out. Nowhere > had it been explained that there were tix on sale prior to that > night. The Red Light isn't that big, nor do they normally sell > tix in advance. > I was pissed. > > I'd brought a Star Collector CD to give to Jim and at that point > proceeded to pass the 2 copies I'd brought to the other guys > standing forlornly by the door. I had quit smoking for the last 3 > and a half weeks and immediately asked one of the other sorry > unticketed for a smoke. Turns out he worked there as a > sound/light guy and was just out for a break. He said he'd pass > on the disc to Jim for me. > I was somewhat appeased. > > I called Dean to vent and told him that I'd asked the guy if I > could pay full price, stay for Jim and leave when M.P. came on. > He'd said no. They even shut the freakin' door so we couldn't > really hear. However, the door man was outside during the > conversation I had on the phone. I hung up despondantly and > sighed. The doorman looked at the 3 of us and took pity. "I'll > sell you tix for $15", he says, "but you have to stand in the > back." > Well, Hallelujah! > > We all went in and walked straight back to the bar. I could see > perfectly. The soundman knew his stuff, so Jim not only performed > well, but he sounded great...just him and an acoustic guitar. > He played some new stuff from an album that hasn't been released, > and some stuff from "Fidelity is the enemy" which is a great > record. For his last song he asked the crowd if we wanted to hear > a rocker from '73, or a ballad from '67. The ballad won. He > proceeded to play an arrangement he'd worked on for 4 years of > "She's Leaving Home", by the Beatles(in case anyone was wondering) > with all the orchestration and counterpoint and especially the > harp part at the beginning. ASTOUNDING! I wept. As he started > it I think everyone in the place made an audible expression of > awe, surprise, and appreciation. (the rocker would've been "Live > and let Die" btw.) > > The sound/light guy came up to me during the set and gave me back > my Star Collector CD > and said, "Hey, now you can give it to him yourself." HA! > > I had been emailing Jim, as you know, about the show and had told > him I would be bringing some folks. > Since the place was sold out I jokingly took advantage and said, > "see, I told you I'd bring people." > We hit it off and started talking about music; life; his > experiences on the road; recording with Amiee Mann; working with > M. P. on tour; meeting Jon Brion...etc. I mean we talked all > through M.P.'s set, had a few drinks and at the end of the night > he signed a poster for Dean. > > I cannot tell you how great a night it was...but then again...I > just did. > > > > later, joe > www.jtgimplosion.com > www.kingfriday.com > www.myspace.com/thejtgimplosion >