Mojo Magazine London, UK May 2005 Issue # 138 SIMPLY SAUCER Cyborgs Revisited (Sonic Unyon) CANADIAN PROTO-PUNKS’ 18 LIVE AND STUDIO CUTS While major cities grab the attention as trend leaders, the strange musical mutations that emerge from more out of the way enclaves can be even more striking. Rarely has the point been made as forcefully as by Hamilton, Ontario’s Simply Saucer. They only released one single, in 1974 [sic!], a case of wrong place, wrong time. Yet Simply Saucer were the missing link between the psychedelia of Pink Floyd circa Interstellar Overdrive, the velocity and rawness of Pebbles bands like The Outcasts, and the sci-fi punk futurism of Chrome. An erratically signaling synth links early Roxy Music to Pere Ubu. Add a few Lou Reedisms in the vocals and there you have it. The ’75 live set may err towards the conventional; the studio set still sounds like nothing else. FOUR STARS (Mike Barnes)