I was greeted with an awesome surprise on Amazon this morning: Listen Listen: The Definitive Collection [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED] The Merry-Go-Round I never thought I would see another greatest hits by this band. 29 remastered tracks, which consists of the entire Merry-Go-Round LP AND Emitt Rhodes' American Dream LP, plus a few extras. Here's a few blurbs of interest: "Of all the cult West Coast 60's groups, perhaps the most talked about and referenced over the last few years have been The Merry Go Round...though bizarrely, the last reissue of their work was a Rhino vinyl best of in 1984!" "Lavish artwork with interviews with band members / others, memorabilia and unseen photos… all that jazz… and is a must for all fans of west coast 1960's pop and all those who'd like to hear what collectors and the current crop of US bands are going on about…" Is that truth or just part of the sales pitch? Have people really been talking, referencing, or "going on about" this band in the last few years? Anyways, very cool. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0007XTO5M/qid=1114360399/sr=2-1 /ref=sr_2_11_1/202-6976318-2909457 Thanks! John B.