So I caught Glenn Tilbrook & the Fluffers here in Boston last night, and I am moved today to tell you ALL to go see him/them if/when they come to your town. They played two absolutely electrifying sets, which convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt that GT is one of the greatest living singer/songwriter/guitarists on the planet. He is that rarest and most appealing of performers: one who has achieved an astounding level of musical proficiency and has still managed not to take himself too seriously. (And I realize this will seem like sacrilege to many, but the Fluffers are every bit as good as Squeeze -- not the _same_ as, mind you, but as good as.) The showstopper came toward the end of the 2nd set: GT led his band Pied-Piper style through the crowd and over to the bar... where they all CLIMBED ON TOP OF THE BAR and stood there in a line, with acoustic instruments that included bongos, a melodica and an empty beer bottle, to treat us to a rousing rendition of "Black Coffee in Bed" complete with audience participation. Possibly the best eighteen bucks I ever spent.