Excellent heads up, Andrea! Wanna talk "old Boston" tho? It don't much more "old Boston" rock than The Neighborhoods! Whom of which, Mssr Gent sat in with on a few numbers last November when Dave and Lee threw it down up in Providence. And lo and behold ...there's a 'hoods online presence now. New site just gone up recently right here -- http://www.thehoodsonline.com/ -- that of which contains loads of great pics and full clip/live sound files from 'hoods shows spanning their earliest "old Boston" days to that afore mentioned "re-union" (no "Careful" Mike Quaglia, no *true* 'hoods re-union)gig last autumn. Dave remains head Wooly Mammoth/Beantown producer at large, Lee's since hit the books REAL hard and became a lawyer, Mike Q's whereabouts are still up in the air, Carl Coletti, no idea. Talk of more shows and output hang in the air. BIG NEWS for this boy as they remain to this day one of *my* ALL-TIME fave rawk n roll combos. Mark Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 12:58:47 -0400 (EDT) From: "andrea kremer" To: audities@smoe.org Subject: High praise for the Gentlemen on Popmatters Message-ID: <19239.> For all the Gravel Pit/Figgs/Candy Butchers/Gentlemen fans out there... There's an absolutely fantastic review of the new Gentlemen CD, "Brass City Band," on Popmatters.com -- check it out: http://www.popmatters.com/music/nowhearthis/gentlemen-050419.shtml "Brass City Band" is available online from the Q Division Record store, at http://www.qdivision.com/qstore/ Those of you who aren't familiar with the Gentlemen are encouraged to check them out. I believe you can find sound samples from the current and previous recordings at http://www.thegentlemenrock.com/. Enjoy! -ak __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com