Resentment that the Beatles, Stones et al. have been so shoved down their throats by boomers as music they *HAVE* to like because it's *BETTER* than whatever they're already listening to. That doesn't tend to sit well, much like Gregory pointed out with the Sinatra comment. I wholeheartedly agree on this point... Sinatra was totally out of order when he stated what he did concerning rock music... I don't resent that kids shun Beatles' music in favor of hip-hop or what-have-you... I guess it's kinda like seeing your kid being passed up by the basball teams 'cuz for some reason or another they don't want him... You know he's a good kid and given the chance he could prove to be a stellar player... Like Ken, I too was fortunate enough to grow up in a home that had none other than a Sears Silvertone reel-to-reel and different music tapes to go with it... My dad introduced me to the "Phase-4" recordings (remember those?: ..."TRUMPETS TO THE LEFT... VIOLINS TO THE RIGHT...")... and I fondly remember the Reader's Digest "Music That Will Live Forever" record collection that arrived in the mail one day (the Marching Bands vinyl was my favorite)... Thanks to these experiences my taste is quite eclectic... Beatles to Perez Prado to Marching Bands... So when I say Beatles' I guess I'm really saying that a lot of great music that has stood the test of time is slowly ebbing away... Yes, the kids are alright, and yes, let them have their music but its unavoidable to feel that nostalgic tinge as "the music" starts to ebb away in order to let a whole new generation do their thing, and rightfully so... Cheers, Miguel Meet "The Michaels" @