Awww! Thats such a cute story!! Speaking of top 40 singles, I would have to say that I do like "So Yesterday" and "Since U Been Gone" and actually most of what Kelly Clarkson has done (though it had to grow on me), but of the American Idols, I gotta say, Clay Aiken is my favorite. Of course, this coming from a girl who came out of the N*Sync closet a good 5 or 6 years ago, so you can take my opinion with a grain of salt. :) I actually find I like a lot of the top 40 pop singles. They have hooks and melodies that really catch me. Sometimes the production is a little too slick for my taste, but not always, and sometimes I wish the singer was someone different, but I've discovered some good stuff on top 40. Like Gavin Degraw - I first saw him on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, but his whole album is fairly solid imo, and one day while walking around with my Zen on random, a song came up that before the vocals kicked in, I wondered if it wasn't a Mike Viola rareity that my husband hadn't snuck on there as a surprize for me. Stacy On 4/15/05, wrote: > Quoting > > > Hilary Duff's "So Yesterday" is one killer diller of a pop single. Period, > > paragraph, as my friend Kerry Kompost would say. > > > I'm with ya on this one. At a junior high dance I was DJing, one of the girls > handed me the Duff CD and had me play a few tracks from it. After the dance, > she asked what I thought, and I said that I liked the songs, but would feel > kinda funny walking into the CD store and buying it...old dude buys CD with > cute teener on the cover. > > At the next dance, I was handed a copy of the CD. The 8th grade girls took up a > collection and got it for me. Bless 'em! > > Greg > >