I think for Power Pop engineering the old saying, "Cleanliness is Next To Godliness" is the best. There were too many Power albums in the past decade that were ruined by mixing as if the band was Alice In Chains and the vocals were buried under a mass of overdriven guitars. But it shouldnt sound "Wimpy" either - think CT's "In Color" where everything was toned down. A murky or super-reverb'd mix (unless youre trying to copy Phil Spector or Brian Wilson) doesnt work well for most modern Pop music either. Some may disagree but no digital box or plug-in can totally dupilcate those chambers at Abbey Road, Gold Star or Western/United. A listener should be able to hear everything in the mix and the vocals need to be right on top. Then CRUNCH it with a good compressor, thats what made those old Beatles records and everything recorded at Abbey Road in the 60's sound so good! Billy G. http://listen.to/jangleradio