Hi, Squire here to say that STRAWBERRIES ON SUNDAY is being featured on the CD BABY front page! you can find it there or go directly to: http://cdbaby.com/cd/tsots3 With a crunchy, psychedelic buzz wrapping up noticeable influences of the Beach Boys/Brian Wilson, the Beatles, XTC, and the Zombies, The Squires of the Subterrain have nailed this genre and left nothing wanting. For fans of any of the above, this band is an absolute must-hear. If you didn't know better, you'd think you'd knocked your head and hallucinated the perfect Sgt. Pepper sequel. -CD BABY These other fine distributors carry THE SQUIRES' music as well NOT LAME KOOL KAT MUSIK JAM The Squires of the Subterrain website has been updated and features a new mp3 from the forthcoming CD, LEMON MALARKEY. Hear 'Love is Like the Sun' http://squiresofthesubterrain.com/discography.html Hope you drop in and listen. Thanks! -Chris Earl