Speaking of Palindromes: bacon, no Cab Ban campus motto, "Bottoms up, MacNab." Bar: canoe on a crab. Bar crab. Barge in. Relate mere war of 1991 for a were-metal Ernie grab. Barge Dave, evade grab. Be still--it's Eb! "Bed stress!" asserts Deb. Bedded, I videotape Elsa asleep (a toe-divided Deb.) Bald elf fled lab Bell: a clang is a signal-call, Eb. Beware era web! "Baltimore paper, omit lab!" Bird rib. Bob mixes sex, I'm Bob. "Boredom a la mode, Rob?" Bosnia ... pain ... sob. Bosnia gasps again--sob! Boston did not sob Bombard a drab mob. Bush saw Sununu swash sub. But sad Eva saved a stub. Burst, rap; parts rub. Bar an arab. Borrow or rob? Bell: a clang is a signal-call, Eb. Cheers, Miguel