Eytan, I also offer my congratulations. Palindromes is currently playing as part of the Philadelphia Film Festival (and it is sold out!) However, I agree with your assessment that this film will offend lots of viewers based on reviews I have read and my own experiences seeing his earlier films, "Welcome To the Dollhouse" and "Happiness". The latter film has the most perverse title, as the subject matter (voyeurism, alienation, pedaphilia, etc.) is anything but 'happy'. -------------- Original message -------------- > Congrats Eytan! > > Also carrying the indie pop flag with a song in a major motion picture is Popium > (out of Norway). Their song "Sooner or Later" from their latest (and greatest) > album "Camp", plays for over a minute in a crucial scene in the new Drew > Barrymore flick "Fever Pitch". If you haven't picked up "Camp" yet, I super > highly recommend it....get it at NotLame! > > Mark H > > Eytan Mirsky wrote: > Hi, > Four songs I wrote are featured in the new Todd Solondz film "Palindromes." > The songs are peformed by the fictional group the Sunshine Singers, who can > best be described as NSync meets Britney Spears singing religious music. > No, this isn't power pop. And this film will definitely offend a lot of > people. But I'm telling you guys anyway for those of you who like this kind > of entertainment. (Check the Wellspring website at wellspring.com to see > when the film is coming to your town.) > >