You must factor in the torn pink t-shirt (ala Flashdance) and the satin sheets along with the aformentioned bad dancing to get the full image of this ill-advised piece of art. If I did not know better I would have thought this was a SCTV parody or something. It's right up there with Tom Monroe's rendition of Turning Japanese and the Christopher Cross video which features Michael Mc Donald racing to the studio to cut the background vocals he adds to Ride like the Wind. -r > There have been comments on this list before (I think I may have made > many of them) about how Billy Squier's "you-gotta-see-it-to-believe-it" > bad dancing in "Rock Me Tonight" video most likely killed his career as > a "rock god." I know it made him go from really cool to absolute fool > in my high school -- and Central Nebraska in the late 70s/early 80s was > fertile ground for guitar based rock. > > But last night on VH1 Classics, they showed a performance video for "The > Stroke," and it amazed me. "Rock Me Tonight" wasn't ONE bad piece of > ill-advised choreography. That's honestly how Billy Squier danced!! > "The Stroke" is one of those songs that's so ingrained into my DNA that > I can't even hope to determine if it's good or bad -- it just is. That's > how much it was played when I was at the right age. It's a permanent > part of my high school memories. And yet, I can't believe that the > people who played and played and played that song (not to mention > everything else that they did to that song) ever saw him perform it if > this clip is any indication of how he performed on stage. > > What an indication, to me at least, of the difference that a video can > make in how you perceive a song. After all, who can't see the video when > they hear "Take on Me," or even "Sunday, Bloody Sunday." > > But that's my 2 cents for this morning. >