> A slightly different twist for a new poster here. > Not only would I love to hear what everyone all-time power pop tunes are but I would like to know what are your favorites that have kept that longest lasting impression. > I'd have to day that these are my favorites till to this very day that have kept that sweet pop taste in my mouth. > Let it pop. > I'm a sucker for this kind of obsessive list-making, so here it goes: 1. "Someday, Someway," Marshall Crenshaw 2. "Big Brown Eyes," The dB's 3. "Looking At The Sun," Matthew Sweet 4. "No Matter What," Badfinger 5. "Flavor Of the Month," The Posies 6. "Down In Your Dreams," Orange Humble Band 7. "Every Word Means No," Let's Active 8. "Serious Drugs," The Gigolo Aunts 9. "Hey Jealousy," The Gin Blossoms 10. "13" Big Star with hon. mentions to "Surrender," Cheap Trick; "Too Much Passion," The Smithereens; "Daylight," The Judybats; "Roll To Me," Del Amitri; "When We're Alone," Chris Stamey; "Super Tuesday:" The Shazam and "Bubblegum Factory," Redd Kross and "Colorblind," by The Windbreakers. Just to name a few, of course... John Micek http://www.milkshakejones.com