I have 2 to mention: Ed Harcourt-"Strangers"- I know this was released in the UK in 2004.But the release date here was Feb. 2005 which was when I got it.It is a stuner.Recorded in Sweden with some great help, it stands to be his best and most assured work. Martha Wainwright-"BMFA"- This is only an ep[full album soon] and it is going to attract attention for it's profanity.But I have fallen under it's spell.I truly believe she makes those words musical.The title cut has a power about it that grabs you.A real grower. I heard about it in the year end Mojo.Nora Jones picked it as her favorite of last year.I am not a fan of hers, but what she said intrigued me.That and it's provocative title. Trust me on this one. It is worth a listen.Can't wait for the full album. I have been listening to a lot of the Swedish rock that Parasol is offering.Stand out stuff from The Bear Quartet and Thirdimension ,just to name two.I am impressed. So much still to come this year. Gene >From: "*Bill Holmes*" >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: >Subject: First Quarter in the books, so... >Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 10:23:40 -0500 > >..what's the best album of 2005 so far? > >Off the top of my not-enough-coffee-in-it-yet head, I might have to say >Dwight Twilley's 47 MOONS but I reserve the right to amend that statement >after I wake up. > >In the immortal words of Handsome Dick Manitoba, I say.. AND YOU? > >b