Jim wrote: I have scored some decent stuff there tho, so it's still worth it, I believe..... Jim Me: A more enthusiastic reply : I LOVE Emusic! With my limited resources for buying new music, it's a godsend. In only the last three months I've downloaded these albums in their entirety: Jill Sobule, Underdog Victorious Grip Weeds, Giant on the Beach The High Dials, A New Devotion Matthew Sweet, Living Things The Wondermints, Mind If We Make Love to You Marah, 20K Streets Under the Sky Outrageous Cherry Elliot Smith, Basement On a Hill There's one more that I can't think of right now (umm ...). I've also grabbed a few single's as well (mostly cherry-picking from indie bands greatest "hits" albums). Anyway, I find that the variable bitrate mp3's unencode nicely into .wav and then .cda files. The CD-R's I make sound good to me on my pc, in my car and in my living room. Of course, you get ZERO liner notes and artwork from Emusic, a major limitation for many folks, no doubt, and as I've said before, I wish I had 'em. But at (right now), roughly 3 bucks an album, I'll take what I can get and happily. You can also find some of the liner notes and artwork online if you want, at different off-site locations. I enjoy Emusic nearly as much as I do Paste Magazine (the free DVD's in each of the last 3 issues have been absolute KEEPERS). Along with recommendations from Auditeers, reviews from Fufkin and the like, I can nearly keep up! :-) Jeff T. Del.