Yeah..last Saturday night at Nashville IPO was incredible start to finish. The lineup was so strong on Friday and Saturday that it forced me book to book a flight in from Boston. John Hastie (thanks John!) and Barry Holdship did a great job of reporting on the proceedings. But lest anyone wonder, Barry's set was terrific..he was being modest and focused more on detailing the other performers. My personal fave new band of the 2 nights was Jetpack, but The Elms, Will Kimbrough, Adam McIntyre and nearly everyone else on those 2 nights was excellent. It was really a treat to get to talk with Bill Lloyd and Mark Johnson also, two power pop legends (IMO). In defense of IPO...David is bringing a lot of bands in that most of us (even the diehard music hunters like myself) have not heard of...but a good percentage of those artists are ones that are about to break (i.e. we will be hearing about very soon). I have found David's taste in this regard to be superb. And he is way ahead of most of us tracking down emerging artists. So (a big cowboy) hat off to David. Thanks for all you do to keep IPO running and growing!! My one minor gripe about IPO is that it is very difficult to connect with other Audities members. Having been to 4 IPOs now (Boston 2003 & 2004, San Francisco 2004 and Nashville 2005) I know there are other Audities members in the audience but it is difficult to identify each other (unless you've met them before). I think we need some identifying item tshirt, badge , etc.- (I know Cliff Hillis has an Audities tshirt because he was wearing it at a Boston gig). Just think it would be cool if it were easier to meet the other list members, especially when you travel to an IPO outside of your own area. Oh. I almost forgot,,, can anyone report on the other nights? - I'd love to hear how Dum Dog Run (Rick Altizer's great new band) was. And Brad. can you give us more detail about Tuesday night's show? JD PS- Really enjoying the new Sparkwood and Mockers cds!