well, i saw him/her in Toronto and LOVED it. bought the new cd and LOVE it. definitely NOT for everyone but if you dig the quieter stuff on the first two Roxy Music cds and anything Brit-quavery glam-ish or Lou Reed (who is on the cd) ... this may be for you... the vocal will be the test... i kind of see it as Rufus Wainright without the Rufus ... very very very interesting if you are especially into the whole Warhol 67-69 scene (the deathbed shot of Candy Darling is a startling cover image). He is really great live in a just sitting there acting like your shy fat librarian sister kind of way.... definitely on his own planet but very rewarding if you are into the NY fringe lineage... i went back to the live Lou Reed Animals cd where Antony sings a few lead vocals - very interesting, indeed.... worth checking out audio files on Amazon or wherever to see if it may be worth your file... i personally DO NOT hear the Nina Simone thing whatsoever - i don't know where that is coming from.. Tiny Tim, yeah, i guess.... Boy George, FOR SURE... maybe Man Who Sold The World Bowie maybe... anyway - cool that this is being discussed here - who knew? Ralph saw Duke Spirit at SXSW - wow!!! Blondie fronts Franz Ferdinand... on the Heavenly label... buy my label's cds so my cats can eat http://www.bongobeat.com