I am interested if you still have copies. How much? Love what I am hearing about it. Gene- javagene@hotmail.com >From: "Mockers" >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: >Subject: Re: The Mockers Lonesome Death... >Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 17:07:34 -0500 > > > > I just gotta give a major shoutout to Seth & The Mockers for the very, > >very fine "Lonesome Death of Electric Campfire"... > >Hey, Miguel and all, thanks a lot for the kind words re: our new album. Of >course, like most bands, you always think that your newest stuff is your >best, so it's nice to hear that someone else agrees. And I'll be the first >to admit that much of the credit goes to rock guitar GOD Robbie Rist, who's >production is easily on par with the songs we recorded for the album with >Mitch Easter. Not to forget our star percussionista Nelson Bragg, who even >took time out from marracca and tambourine sessions to write a horn >arrangement. And thanks Morley and Probyn! > >As far as availability, we have no current US release date planned. But I >hooked Bruce up with our Spanish label, Zebra, and as he said, he should >have them in stock soon. I also still have a few copies left to sell that >the label sent me last week, so email me if you're interested. I'm going >to >get more and have them up on our website for sale soon too. And if anyone >is curious, mp3's of the whole album (excerpts, of course) are here: >www.themockers.net/sounds.html > >And Gary, we are taking it out on the road, but so far, only in Spain in >May... > >Seth > >www.themockers.net >