>From: > >Any old Philly pholks remember Persian Gulf? I thought they did some real good stuff. > >Jim >www.groovedisques.com I'm way behind on my digests, and maybe someone else has chimed in, but I'm really loving the talk of the 80's Philadelphia bands (I just ordered my copy of the Hooters AMORE CD - still have the vinyl somewhere). Anyway, in the mid-80s I really loved Persian Gulf - I worked with the girlfriend of their manager - and remember going to see them in a bunch of different local dives including the much missed Grendel's Lair. Persian Gulf's EP CHANGING THE WEATHER spent a considerable amount of time on my turntable back then. I remember that Ken Tucker (who was the pop music critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer back then) really loved them, and wrote a few stories on them. In about 1999, when I got my first PC with CD-RW, I transferred the EP to CD. I corresponded with Hal Shows (the leader of PG) and sent him a copy - he ended up posting it on mp3.com and crediting me as a co-engineer or something. Pretty cool. I did include their song "I'm Joe Curious" on one of the SOTTs. Hal Shows has put out at least one CD (Lifeboat) which is pretty eclectic piece of pop. Good stuff. Mike