Jonathan wrote: ANDY KING Somebody on the list mentioned that they know Andy, who played bass for the Hooters on their first couple Columbia albums. I really hope Andy is still making music out there somewhere. His early-90s solo album "Spiritual Pre-School" is a very interesting album with some excellent songs and musicianship. He has an amazing voice (featured on the Hooters cover version of "Lucy in the Sky..."), plays almost all the instruments on his solo album, and writes some fantastic moody pop songs. His solo album is hard to describe...maybe like Kevin Gilbert meets Neil Finn or something? Me: It was me who mentioned knowing Andy. I'll forward your kind words to him, Jonathan, he'll be so pleased. He's still quite proud of that record. Spiritual Pre-School (1992, Big Ray Records) really is terrific. I think "Angels" is just amazing. Andy's manager (and Hooters road manager) from those days is now managing IKE, Omnisoul, Lauren Hart, and other Philly-area acts and doing quite well. I'll ask Andy if he's got any more copies of Spiritual Pre-school available. If he's got some to give away, I'll get back to the list and do that "pull names out of a dunce-cap thing" for anyone who's interested. A quick scan of the liner notes shows Kirsti Gholson (!) guesting on a track. Andy was living in L.A. and acting last I chatted with him. Interestingly enough, he's also (or at least "was") a nationally ranked Disc Golf player (who knew??). Nice call, Jonathan! I'm pretty sure there is some live Hooters on video somewhere (doubt if it's been digitized, but you never know). I'll look into that as well. By the way, to finish a past post: my friend Roger H. has one of the Baby Grand albums on vinyl and assures me that "Never Enough" is the same song on both that record and Patty Smyth's record. I've got some vintage Hooters promo posters I was about to put up on Ebay if any one is interested. I haven't photographed them yet, but should have that done in the next week or so. Peace, all. Jeff T. Del.