From our good pal, Bob Lefsetz...and don't hold the CAPS against him...he can't italisize without rich text...that's why he does make his POINT! bob > The public IS NOT going legit!! > > The iTunes Music Store is not a REPLACEMENT for file-trading, it's an > ADDITIONAL MARKET! > > Say something enough times, and the ignorant press repeats it, and it's > accepted generally as fact, even if it's COMPLETELY UNTRUE! > > The labels' lawsuits have done NOTHING to curb illegal file-trading. > Illegal > file-trading is bigger than it's ever been in HISTORY! > > I think raising the price of legal downloads is completely ignorant, but > it's > also IRRELEVANT! Arguing about the price of individually wrapped copy > protected tracks is like Joe Torre abandoning spring training to focus all > his > energy on HOT DOG prices at Yankee Stadium. The iTunes Music Store is a > sideshow. > It's all about the elephant in the room, P2P. > > Now don't expect much movement on P2P until the Grokster decision is > handed > down. The labels are not about to budge an inch. They've got their > fingers > crossed, they're praying for a WIN! > > But let's say they DO win. Let's say they shut down Grokster, get the > right > to shut down other file-trading services. First and foremost, the > Internet is > INTERNATIONAL! And the long arm of the United States not that > long. > FURTHERMORE, it's about the SOFTWARE, not the COMPANY! The software > allowing file-trading is now on TENS OF MILLIONS of computers. Shut down > the > companies that propagated this software and you've accomplished > essentially NOTHING! > Since everybody with the software on their machine can STILL TRADE! And > can > pass on this file-trading software to NEWBIES! > > Oh, but the content industries are SUING traders. > ( > > This has got to stop. This is even more heinous than the Warner bonuses. > Let me tell you how this works. The penalties for copyright infringement > are SO > HIGH that individuals can't risk a trial. But it's WORSE than that. They > can't AFFORD LEGAL REPRESENTATION! The big bad RIAA comes down on you and > you've GOT to pay up. You're INCAPABLE of fighting back. Unless, you're > a rich > major label employee to BEGIN WITH! This is UNAMERICAN! And the > labels/RIAA > should be ashamed of themselves. Because they're ruining LIVES! $10,000 > doesn't mean much to Edgar Bronfman, Jr., who just got paid a MULTIMILLION > DOLLAR > BONUS, but to the lay person, it's the difference between a financial > cushion > and BANKRUPTCY! That's what you get for being a music fan. You get > financially RUINED! > > Yes, make no mistake, these people are FANS! Sure, they're ripping off > the > system. But that's only because NOBODY WILL LET THEM PAY! > > For over FIVE YEARS the labels have refused to monetize file-trading, > refused > to take the public's money. It's like a bad comedy routine. We want to > give > you our money, we want to pay you. NOPE, NOT GONNA TAKE IT! I don't want > to > sell my product this way! > > FURTHERMORE, it's not even STEALING, it's COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT! It's > not > like the labels are MISSING anything, the files were reproduced for FREE! > > I say no more charity dinners while the labels sue customers. Or else > there's got to be a charity dinner to pay the judgments the public is > incurring as a > result of these heinous lawsuits. > > God, Lifebeat? How about MUSICBEAT? How about "Rolling Stone" printing > the > photo of every person sued. How about a rolling scroll on MTV. Sure, > being a > victim of an RIAA lawsuit might not be QUITE like dying of AIDS or being > killed in Iraq, but those people are DEAD, the people sued are having > their lives > impacted quite possibly FOREVER! AND, the lawsuits are not having their > intended effect. As stated above, trading is more voluminous than ever > before. > > Then you've got Sony BMG, getting ready to roll out copy protected discs. > Whoa, the only result of this will be to PISS OFF the people who BUY THEM! > THEIR usability will be compromised, while these same tracks will be > available for > free on P2P sites immediately. > > Oh, it's REALLY complicated. Just record the CD in an analog fashion, the > same way you record vinyl. The copy protection can't stop THAT! > > And what's the GOAL HERE ANYWAY? To stop CD burning? > > Anybody who thinks CD burning is the problem doesn't own an iPod. > > We've got faces in the Warner debacle now. Edgar and Lyor have targets on > their heads. We cannot forget, nor forgive them. > > We need a target on the head of Andy Lack. For this lame decision to > employ > copy protection on CDs. Something the JAPANESE have decided doesn't work. > > And while we're at it, we need a target on Mitch Bainwol's head too. > > Then again, the public doesn't care anymore. They think the RIAA and the > major labels are a joke. They're just trading away, essentially with > IMPUNITY! > I mean you have to be REALLY DUMB to get busted for downloading. New > software > makes most people IMMUNE! Then again, the law of NUMBERS protects almost > everybody ANYWAY! > > The train has left the station. > > Everything the major labels are doing is a sideshow, not impacting the > real > marketplace. > > The public knows that CDs are overpriced and only have one good track. > They > know they can get everything P2P. They know that the old paradigm is > dead. > They now want ALL the music. As computer files. > > Something the labels won't give them. > > The labels want everything on THEIR TERMS! > > Copy protected tracks. Evaporating subscriptions. > > And they don't realize, THEY'RE PUTTING THEMSELVES OUT OF BUSINESS! Sale > by > track is economic death. Almost all players out there are not compatible > with > Napster. Any other industry would go where the CUSTOMERS ARE! Find a way > to > give people what they want. A PLETHORA of unrestricted tracks for one low > price. Hell, didn't the HEAD of Sony say that tracks should cost less > than a > QUARTER? > > But his charges know nothing about technology, nothing about commerce. > > Then again, Andy Lack came from TV! > > And Thomas H. Lee Partners could care less about music. > > As for'd think they'd throw the long ball, do something > INNOVATIVE, > blow the game WIDE OPEN before their stock falls through the floor. > Coldplay > ain't gonna save them, but selling their ENTIRE CATALOG TO MILLIONS OF > PEOPLE > WILL! > > As for Universal... It's like a rogue nation. Vivendi knows nothing > about > music, they just don't want to sell the company at a rock bottom price. > Therefore, they let these guys do WHATEVER they want. Which is > single-handedly, > with their giant market share, hold back the future of online music. > > I doubt Grokster will be overturned. > > But, as stated above, even if it is, it won't solve the labels' problems. > > When are the major labels going to stop their whining, stop employing > their > big stick and make peace with the NOW! > > The public's bought in. Apple can't keep iPods in STOCK! > > But the majors just want to keep their CD model. > > I know, I know. Most of the foregoing is repeats. It's just that I can't > believe these guys are this fucking dumb. To leave all this money on the > table. > To deny reality.