Oops!...That's Tommorrow night, Thursday, March 3rd. The 11th is at Max Silver's in London... bob Well, every now and then something good happens, God, (after having one too many corn dogs at the Cloud Number Nine Fluffy Harp and Lute Festival and Rib-Off), was probably busy dealing with Holy Projectile Diarrea and missed the opportunity to derail another potential opportunity for my musical compatriots and myself, thereby allowing me to make this announcement. The latest spin off of Cats And Dogs, The Segarini Band, is debuting tommorrow night, (Thursday, March 3rd), at the 279 Club, high atop the Hard Rock Cafe at Dundas Square and Yonge Street, as part of the CMW Pop Rock Showcase. We will be playing the 11:00 set. Please join us, and great new, young Poprock Bands, Pete Moss, The Populars, The Rumours, and Sowatt, at the best live venue in the city. The Segarini Band Bob Segarini, Seb Agnello, Rick Gunn, Peter Kashur, Ron Stark, and Mike Steinberg Thursday, March 3rd 11:00 pm The Hard Rock Cafe's 279 Club 279 Yonge Street Toronto Ontario $10 Dollar Cover or CMW Wrist Band Be there, or expect a severe beating by one or both Olsen Twins bib