Just for the record.... There have been print & radio interviews done with members of KLAATU within the last 30 years, mainly with Terry Draper after the Permanent Press release of KLAATU's 5th & final CD "Magentalane" in 1996 and just before the release of Terry's solo CD also on PP, "Light Years Later" in 1997. There was a featured interview article with Terry I set up that ran in the Feb. 1997 issue of DISCOVERIES magazine, along with a few others at the time, and Terry did some phone interviews including a lengthy one with Michael McCartney (an Auds list member) of KEAO/KONI from his home studio in the summer of 1997. I was with Terry when he did that one. I get up to see Terry about once or twice a year. If we don't get snow in May here, I hope to make it up to T.O. to see this reunion. Ray Paul Permanent Press/Ray Paul Media www.permanentpress.net/raypaul.htm Jaimie Vernon wrote: Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 01:13:44 -0500 From: "Jaimie Vernon" To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Re: Klaatu Message-ID: Want a radio interview with the reunited act? That goes for Alan Haber or anyone else interested in finally getting the real story from the horse's mouth. After 30 years they're finally ready to talk! Any Goldmine or Record Collector freelancers out there?:-) Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records